About the site: This platform is meant to be a collaborative space for people to engage with issues around sustainability, gender, the aspects that influence these issues, and all the intersections among and between these discourses. The blog began as an assignment for a class in college and evolved into a full blown passion project. Its goal is to engage with notions around femininity, feminism, environmentalism, and environmental justice. This project is guided by the central question of: What does it mean to be a woman and/or a femme person who cares about nature and contributes to environmental justice? Embodying this central question, the blog features written articles, artistic complilations, advice, OOTDs, roundups, interviews and other expressions of the multifaceted and various answers to this question. This blog is not interested in being a greenwashed/whitewashed/wealthy-washed go-to for folks who think environmentalism is cute. This blog exists to celebrate the ways in which people of color, poor people, disabled people, and queer people care about themselves and the environment, hold their identities close to them, live their values, resist oppressive systems, and continue to exist. This space will always centralize and celebrate these voices.
About the Creator: My name is Karalyn Grimes, a self-identified green femme, genderqueer outlaw, and wandering millennial. I graduated from Oberlin College in 2016 where I studied environmental racism and classism. After graduating I briefly lived in Boston doing college access work but have since relocated back to my Midwestern hometown. I am a Farmer-In-Training on an urban farm cranking through an AmeriCorps program. I also work with youth in a residential foster care setting. In addition to gender and environmentalism, I am interested in class equity, financial literacy, trauma work, domestic violence and sexual assault survivorhood, astrology, tarot, and podcasts. In addition to creating community, I intend to use this blog to document my movements through young adulthood. For business inquiries, you may contact me at kgrimes@oberlin.edu
Please call me in when I fuck up. I am not perfect and I do not know everything. But I am listening, and together we know and can do a lot.