FRU: 8.26.17

Saturday Round Up? I give up.

Welcome to Friday Roundup, where I share relevant things that came across my Internet during the past week, with you, my deserving and glorious readers. This series is inspired by Autostraddle's "Saw This, Thought of You" segment that is very worth reading too.

There's no theme or organization this week, I'm all over the place. Enjoy all these links.

  • I discovered bunny herbalism this week and I am in love.
  • Okay so in my younger years I went through a big ICP phase and I am living for this Juggalos fight Nazis discourse. To quote my friend Alli, who said it best, “The Juggalxs will throw the first Molotov of the revolution, and it’ll actually just be kerosene and Faygo.”
  • I keep reading Bustle lists of “20-Odd ___ With Cult Followings On Amazon.” My favorites are the ones with weird grooming products that are clearly targeted towards people with dermatillomania. Call me a Bustle lists cult follower.
  • Here’s an academic piece on collaborative environmental governance I’ve been trying to get myself to read for two weeks. Maybe we can read it together.
  • Today in How to Adult I had to Google how to void a check. You literally just write void on it. But in case you don’t believe me, here’s a guide.
  • Lastly, I knew it was good, but I had no idea how good Bentonite Clay is for your body, your home, and your pets!

Friday Round Up 8.18.17

(On Sunday, because, you know)

Welcome to Friday Roundup, where I share relevant things that came across my Internet during the past week, with you, my deserving and glorious readers. This series is inspired by Autostraddle's "Saw This, Thought of You" segment that is very worth reading too.


Politics + the Environment:


  • When I was in Puerto Rico during the full moon, my friends and I did a cleansing ceremony in the ocean. One of the things I let go of during this witchy-time was neglecting my hair. Since then I have:
  • -Religiously been washing my hair only twice a week, Sunday and Wednesday
  • -Using new products including Maui Moisture Curl Quench ShampooNot Your Mother's Beach Babe Conditioner, and Carol's Daughter Hair Milk. I have mostly good feelings about all three. I could do a full review if you like. 
  • My next step is to start doing protein treatments to restore my natural curls which have taken a beating from bleaching and improper care. I'm starting with #2 on this list because I have the avocado and egg on hand, but I need more hair protein treatment suggestions! 

Help Me Out:
a new end segment on this series where I tell you what I'm clueless about and seek even more advice than usual

  • I need advice on deciding if I really truly want to go to law school. Is there a magical quiz somewhere? 
  • I've now been denied for a car lease and an auto loan from my credit union because I don't have a cosigner--but I really need a car for work. I have no savings so I can't just buy one. What do I do? 

7.21.17 Friday Round Up

Welcome to Friday Roundup, where I share relevant things that came across my Internet during the past week, with you, my deserving and glorious readers. This series is inspired by Autostraddle's "Saw This, Thought of You" segment that is very worth reading too.

Let's get to it. 

  • Masculinity is bad for the environment. I didn’t say it, one of your own did. (The author trips me up when he says ecofeminism isn’t going to have an impact. But then he comes right back with the critique of the binary, so he reentered my good graces.)
  • After going down a rabbit hole of researching elderly cat needs, I now want to put my beloved Tim-Tom on a new regime.  I'm going to start with one of the low-down litter boxes so his arthritic legs don't have to step up and down, but past that I need recommendations. Help?
  • My brother wanted me to talk about The Rock vs. Kid Rock on this blog and when I told him it was off-brand he said, “but the tie in is rocks!” So there you go, Dustin. It made it on the blog.
  • I need to make these. You need to make these. We all need to make these. 
  • FUUUUUUUUCK YES. I'll be watching and detailing closely what happens next. 
  • This piece on being Trans at the Beach is a must read.
  • And, finally, support my friend and fellow artist Lexie Bean on their pursuit to tell trans narratives

    That’s it, folks! Seven for seven. What are you doing this weekend?  

7.14.17 Friday Round Up

Welcome to Friday Roundup, where I share relevant things that came across my Internet during the past week, with you, my deserving and glorious readers. This series is inspired by Autostraddle's "Saw This, Thought of You" segment that is very worth reading too.

Welcome back to another semi-regular segment of Friday Round Up. This week I have links on links.

  • In doing research for an upcoming post on summer skin routines, I’ve finally learned what cold cream is. Are we here for it or nah?
  • I spent fifteen hours straight traveling this week by way of two planes and a train. I was so exhausted and thirsty by the end I never wanted to see another human being again. Don’t be me and even when traveling in a frenzied hurry, practice these travel tips. And, for the love of g-d, bring a Nalgene.
  • I still really really want silver hair, as demonstrated by my excessive pinning. But I don’t want to (read: can’t) pay $500 to have it done. Maybe you have this problem too?
  • I think this 2014 piece on environmentalism and inaccessibility from Marc Bamuthi Joseph pairs nicely with EF's posts from earlier this week. 
  • I’m staying in my mom’s house currently and last night we went out to dinner with some of her friends and it was a painful evening in practicing how to have awkward conversations with real adults when you’re unemployed and very mentally ill. It was hard not to dodge uncomfortable questions by whipping some of these facts out.
  • Also in my mom’s house, a Magic Bullet as seen on early 2000s infomercials. Do we buy in to this decades old hype? I’ll post an insta smoothie shot and you can lmk.

That’s it ya’ll. I don’t have to say stay tuned for environmentalism and feminism foundation posts because they went up this week! Read ‘em and share your comments!

How were your weeks? What wild things did you find on the Interwebs, cool cats?

Friday Round Up #2

Welcome to Friday Roundup, where I share relevant things that came across my Internet during the past week, with you, my deserving and glorious readers. This series is inspired by Autostraddle's "Saw This, Thought of You" segment that is very worth reading too.

It's that magical time again! This week I panicked a lot, had some snazzy stress-induced vertigo, and ate entirely too many Hot Pockets. I hate Hot Pockets because capitalism is evil and food pipelines in the United States are fucked up but I love Hot Pockets because preservatives are delicious and I never have the energy to cook. If anyone knows some low-spoons recipes for pizza pockets, please put me in the loop.


  • I finally started watching Naruto and I like it so far but I’m waiting for Sakura to become a badass. This actually has nothing to do with environmentalism, so in order to talk about it I found you this list of anime suggestions that explicitly engage with environmental issues.
  • I’m trying to lease a car and I probably will have a long commute so I definitely want something that gets great gas mileage (cause I care about the Earth and all) but I have no idea what I’m doing. I think an electric vehicle would be cool but I only make $25,000/year so I don't think I can swing it. Can someone teach me how to negotiate car deals?
  • I finally bought some summer shorts this week and I've been feeling pretty cute with the idea of my flubby thighs hanging out in them. Here's some gay advice on what to wear to take down the patriarchy this summer.


  • Donald Trump has officially had the U.S. pull out of the Paris Climate Accords. As this article mentions, other countries mostly are just going to continue to do their thing. Additionally, a body of American leaders are gearing up to ensure the United States is still involved in this conversation without our President. Perhaps in the future on this blog we’ll discuss the potentially disastrous effects of such a macro-impact move of a leading country of carbon emissions, or the hopefulness of a group of people across disciplines coming together to advocate for a solution to a problem that affects us all. Or even the merit of big-policy maneuvers as a solution to climate change--as opposed to grassroots fundamental cultural shifts around usage and waste. I really do want to get into how no matter what world leaders do, the environment will never be okay until individuals reject capitalist consumptive norms. And what is our role within this, as people who care about the world, our looks, and our beings? But alas, I haven’t got my medications refilled this week and I’m too depressed.
  • In more political news, I'm sure Trump did five million other things to ensure the burning of the world. I didn't have to research this with journalistic integrity because #alternativefacts.

Good Reads

  • This week I spent an hour reading to a friend summaries of Queer YA Sci-fi and Fantasy. Sometimes, especially after a week like this, escapism is need. This and this list are good places to start for suggestions from authors I trust.

+ that's it folks. Stay safe, stay loved. Stay tuned for those environmentalism + gender 101 pieces.